KONO Automatiseringsdiensten
De Pas 146
6836HN Arnhem
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KONO Automatiseringsdiensten
Your partner in ICT

Company profile

Since September 1994 I am working as an independent software consultant, after more than eight years of ICT jobs at different companies. In the past years I gained broad experience in many different disciplines of information technology inside The Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, Germany and the UK.

  More than 20 years of IT experience in:

Software development > Some software developed over the last years are Graphical sales configurators (integrated in AutoCAD, Work planning for CNC-controlled machinery, Transport management systems, Warehouse management systems, Order processing & invoicing systems, Documentation systems, ERP interfaces, etc.


Consultancy > When you are looking for a new application for your organization, I can help inform and advise you about this matter. I can analyse together with you which application fits best in your organization. The consultancy can be from the beginning till the end of the development project.


Training > I can develop customer based trainings and manuals, and also give classes on location.


Customers > This is a list of customers I've worked for over the last years.


1994 > Founded KONO Automatiseringsdiensten, and started working as freelance ICT consultant.


1993 > Partime 2-year study M.s.c. in knowledge engineering.


1993 > Completed AMBI exam, with a total of 9 certificates (I1, I2, B1, T2, HE2, HB2, HS2, HS6, HS8)


1987 > Started working as programmer in COBOL and RPG on IBM S/36 later on AS/400.


1986 > Working in PC shop, installing software, networks, user training, support.


Alle leveringen geschieden volgens de algemene voorwaarden van de Federatie van Nederlandse Brancheverenigingen voor Informatietechnologie (FENIT), gedeponeerd bij de Griffie van de Arrondissementsrechtbank te Den Haag op 8 december 1994 onder nummer 1994/189. Handelsregister Arnhem nr. 84953


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